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General Scholarship Information

Scholarship Information:

Scholarship Recommendations
Scholarships are awarded to a student based on academic achievement and/or need, depending on the source of funds.

Every college and/or university provides some scholarships 
(they establish their own criteria)

The vast majority of scholarships are based on either and/or both the ACT score and Class Rank.

If you have decided on a college of your choice, you should check out the requirements for scholarships available through the desired college and/or university.

Students are primarily responsible for identifying and applying for scholarships. They will need to search for scholarships, fill out the paperwork, and bring the completed scholarship into the counselor’s office if recommendation letters or official transcripts are required. It is critical that the completed application is submitted by the deadline date. 
Possible resources for scholarships are as follows:

  • Scholarship file in counselor’s office
  • Scholarships are listed in daily announcements at Logan Rogersville High School and the announcements are posted outside the counseling office.
  • Utilize the internet
  • Check for local scholarships
  • Check with employers (A number of companies provide scholarship money for their employees and their families)

Bright Flight-Mo Dept of Higher Education

To be eligible, you must meet the following requirements:

Initial Students
→ Be a Missouri resident and a United States citizen or permanent resident.
→ Have a compostie score on the ACT or SAT in either:
     ♦ the top 3 percent of all Missouri students taking those tests(Currently a 31 composite for ACT)

The qualifying score must be achieved by the June test date immediatley follwing your graduation from high school. ( Only composite test scores achieved on national test dates or on special test dates approved by the testing companies are acceptable. Test scores from residual tests are not acceptable.)

→ Enroll as a first-time student and recevie the scholarship in the academic year immediately following high school graduation, receipt of your General Education Developement certificate, or completioon of your secondary coursework, if home-schooled.
→ Enroll full time at a participation Missouri school. (Students with disabilities who are enrolled in at least six credit hours may be considerd to be enrolled full time.)
→ Submit supplemental eligibility information, if requested, by the deadline established by the MDHE.
→ Not be pursing a degree or certificate in theology or divinity.








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Contact Information

High School
300 N Missouri Boulevard
Rogersville, Missouri 65742

Mon-Fri: 7:00am-3:00pm

Phone: 417-753-2813
Fax: 417-753-3960