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Since 2009, the citizens of Webster County, MO have  graciously donated to the Ronald Reagan Memorial Scholarship fund. One hundred percent of the money donated is dedicated to this yearly award. While the scholarship is funded by Webster County citzens, it is managed and coordinated by the Webster County Republican Central Committee (WCRCC) members.

This scholarship is again made available to any 2025 graduating high school senior who resides within Webster County. The scholarship is available to public, private, and home schooled graduating seniors. Applicants are asked to respond in writing to several topics relating to currrent events.

Each application is assigned a personal identification name (PIN) and entered into a blind review by members of the WCRCC. The applicant’s identity is only revealed after the recipient is chosen. The funds are paid directly to the school of the recipient’s choice. The winner of the scholarship is awarded a $1,000 collee or trade school scholarship at the annual Lincoln Day event held each spring.

This is a $1,000 non-renewable scholarship award.
Eligibility criteria: 2025 graduating Senior, MUST RESIDE IN WEBSTER COUNTY
Submit a completed, legible application.






2025 CU Succeed Scholarship (Educational Community Credit Union) Any one interested in this application please come to the councelors office of paper application. 


Community Credit Union is offering two $1,000.00 scholarships. To qualify for the schoarship, an applicant must simply be a senior in high school, a member of the ECCU, and in pursuit of post-secondary studies of any kind. Deadline is March 3rd, 2025. 

If you would like any additional materials, please reach out to us at If you would like to talk to someone please call (417) 485-3661 and ask for either Angela or Anita. 



Junior League of Springfield, MO (Women Building Better Communities)

In April 1959, five women joined together to form the Community Service League of Springfield, Missouri (later to become the Junior League of Springfield). Their vision: To make a positive contribution to Springfield through voluntarism and fundraising. From their vision, thousands of women have received training and education that have advanced their personal and professinal leadership skills addressing community needs through projects. 

The Junior League of Springfield has proudly awarded scholarships annually since 1995 and wwe will continue to do so in honor of our founding members. If any young women are interested in this scholarship you may go to this link.  Please note the unweighted GPA of 3.5 on a 4.0 scale is required for this scholarship. 

JLS anticipates awarding one scholarship in the amount of $1,000.00. The deadline for submission is Friday, March 28, 2025. The scholarship winner will be honored at the JLS Annual Meeting in May. 

Please contact us if you have any questions at 

1740 S Glenstone Ave, Ste R
Springfield, MO 65804
(417) 887-9422






To be eligible for this scholarship sponsored by the Springfield Police Department Wives Scholarship Fund, applicants must be a relative of a current, retired, fallen, or medically discharged law enforcement officer and have a 3.0 GPA or higher, and be graduating spring of 2025. For more information and to apply, please the following link: 2025 Scholarship Application


Missouri Bankers Foundation Scholarships


Missouri high school seniors pursuing a banking-related degree program in college can apply for scholarships from the Missouri Bankers Foundation. The deadline to submit applications is Friday, March 7.

“These scholarships support the next generation of Missouri bankers,” said MBA Director of Member Services Melissa Hart. “We encourage our members to share information about this scholarship with their customers and local schools.”

To aid banks in sharing details about the scholarship, MBA has created a flier that can be co-branded with the bank’s logo.

“The scholarship does require applicants to have a signature from a banker, so please let your staff know that students may be asking for a signature to complete their application,” Hart said.

MBA also encourages banks to share MBA’s social media posts about the scholarship.


The foundation will award seven $1,000 scholarships to cover first semester tuition and/or college expenses. One scholarship recipient will be chosen from each of the seven MBA geographical regions. Award recipients will be announced in May.


Elaine Maddux

Senior Vice President and Cashier


Citizens Bank of Rogersville






The Mitzi Hosmer Scholarship Sponsored by the Democratic Party of Webster County Missouri-If any students are interested please come to the councelors office and pick up an application. 


The Kim Davis Memorial Scholarship Sponsored by the Democratic Party of Webster County Missouri-if any sutdents are interested please come to the councelors office and pick up an application. 



Kiwanis Missouri-Arkansas District Earl Collins Foundation-If you are interested in this scholarship please come to the councelors office and pick up an application or you can find it linked HERE. 

1,500.00 Earl Collins Foundation

Due by January 31, 2025 




GOLDEN GIRL SCHOLARSHIP 2025! Any Senior Girl’s interested in this scholarship the paper application will be located in the councelor’s office.

P.E.O. Chapter LC established the Golden Girl Scholarship in 2013 to provide a schoarship for exceptional high school senior women to attend an accredited postsecondary educational institution in MIssouri in the next academic year.

The scholarship is worth $500.00, and may be used for tuition and fees or required books and equipment at the discretion of the recipient.


A young woman is eligible for the Golden Girl Scholarship provided she:
      1. Exhibits excellence in leadership, academic, extracurricular activities, community service and potential for future success.

  1. Has a minimum cumulative unweighted GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale. 
  2. Plans to attend an accredited postsecodary educational institution in the state of Missouri, full-time or part-time, in the fall of the academic year following high school graduation.








As Democrats we value education and the preparation it  provides to enable the next generation to become global citizens and community leaders.


Because of our commitment to an educated society, the Central Committee of the Greene County Democratic Party has established the Democracy Scholarship for a graduating high school senior. I have enclosed an application for the scholarship that explains the requirements.


We are eager to have widespread distribution of this application and appreciate your assistance in making it available to a broad range of students. We are aware of the expense involved in acquiring the next level of education and are pleased to offer our assistance.


The application process opens January 1, 2025. It is with great respect that we thank you for making students aware of this opportunity.




Enoch Morris

Chair, The Democracy Scholarship Committee


Greene County Democratic Party

Attn: Democracy Scholarship

1764 S. Fremont

Springfield MO 65804


Any students interested in this scholarship click the link below or there will be paper copies in the councelors office. On the application it stats 2024 year but it is 2025.

12/11/24 RT

Hagan Scholarship Application
For the 2025-2026 Academic Year 

Fall Scholarship Application. 
Click on the blue link. Then click on “New User” to create a UN and PW.
Then, click “Submit” to access the Application.
The Submittal Deadline is December 1, 2024.

Essential Information
1. Hagan Scholarship Brochure. An overview of the scholarship, eligibility, responsibilities and benefits.
2. Tips on How to Prepare a Successful Application 

Eligibility Requirements
1. Must attend a public, private, charter, magnet, or STEM high school located in the United States.
2. Must be fluent in the English language.
3. Must be in the high school graduating class.
4. Must have achieved a 3.50 Cumulative Grade Point Average.
5. Must enroll in an eligible four-year or higher College or University the first fall semester following high school graduation. The Hagan Scholarship cannot be used to attend a community college, junior college, or online institution.
6. Must maintain a four year or less graduation schedule in college, or complete the equivalent of a four year degree if in a professional program.
7. Must work 240 hours from January 1, 2025 until September 1, 2025.  Work must be regularly scheduled employment performed under supervision for compensation. Employment can be full-time or part-time, or a combination of the two.
8. Applicant’s Adjusted Gross Household Income reported for 2023 Federal Income Tax Purposes must not have exceeded $100,000. “Household Income” is defined as the total income received by all members of a household living under the same roof.
9. Applicants do not provide FAFSA information. Finalists must provide the first two pages of their FAFSA Submission Summary (FSS) showing their Student Aid Index (SAI) when completing the Finalist Submittal PDF in early 2025.
10. Must apply for Federal and State grants if eligible.
11. Must not have a felony conviction.

The intended recipient is a high-achieving goal-driven student having substantial financial need.

“ You can’t go back and change the beginning, but
you can start where you are and change the ending.”
   C.S. Lewis

Decisions made by HSF are final and not subject to appeal. Terms and Conditions are subject to change without notice. 

Hagan Scholarship Brochure© 2024 Hagan Scholarship Foundation






Scholarship opportunity for senior boys basketball players/team managers from the CFO-Logan Middleton Sportsmaship Scholarship


The donors of the Logan Middleton Sportsmanship Scholarship, administered by the Community Foundation of the Ozarks, would like your support in sharing this scholarship opportunity with male applicants participating in the 2024 Blue & Gold Tournament.  The award is two $2,000.00 scholarships.


The scholarship eligibility criteria is:


•              Graduating High School Senior male

•              Participating in the 2024 Blue & Gold Basketball Tournament; player or team manager

•              Must have played basketball or been a team manager for at least two years

•              GPA of 3.0; submit transcript

•              Student must be applying to a two- or four-year accredited college or university

•              Describe your participation in community service, school activities, and your involvement in your church

•              One-page essay addressing “What sportsmanship means to me”

•              Possible interview by the scholarship selection committee


Please print the attached Logan Middleton Sportsmanship Scholarship application and give it to your qualified applicants. The deadline is December 6, 2024.  The recipient(s) will be announced at the final game of the Blue & Gold Tournament.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at 417-864-6199 or


Thank you for helping us honor Logan Middleton’s legacy.


Warmest regards,



Beth Hersh

Director of Scholarships

Beth Hersh
Director of Scholarships
Community Foundation of the Ozarks
Phone: 417‑864‑6199 ext. 3610
Physical: 425 E. Trafficway, Springfield, MO 65806
Mailing: P.O. Box 8960, Springfield, MO 65801
Special 50th anniversary logo for the Community Foundation of the Ozarks



National Parent Volunteer Association Scholarships - $1,000
Each year NPVA offers merit-based scholarships for students who are committed to volunteering and making a difference in their communities. Our scholarships are open to students pursuing undergraduate and graduate degrees.Eligibility CriteriaApplicants must:Be currently enrolled or plan to be enrolled part-time or full-time in an accredited U.S. college or university....

Community Impact Scholarship - $2,500
The Law Firm of Jerry D. Andrews, P.C., a Dallas legal practice, has been providing knowledgeable and compassionate legal representation to victims of personal injury and wrongful death for 30 years.Attorney Andrews’ experience as a personal injury lawyer has granted him a unique perspective on the importance of community. We…


Madeline Pickett Cogswell Nursing Scholarship - $2,500
The Madeline Pickett (Halbert) Cogswell Nursing Scholarship, in the amount of $2,500, is awarded to two students who are accepted or enrolled in an accredited school of nursing. Applicants must be members, descendant of members or be eligible for membership in NSDAR. The DAR member number must be in the…


American Public Service Scholarship - $1,000
Now more than ever, our nation needs skilled public servants. By contributing to the greater good, public servants have the ability to effect change and improve the lives of others through their work. We understand that the current job market may be encouraging you to pursue high-compensation digital jobs, but...
View Details


Naval Helicopter Association Scholarship - $5,000
NHA offers scholarships for undergraduate and graduate students which range in value up to $5,000 (our 2025 goal)How to ApplyOnline applications will open, September 1, 2024. New applications close on January 24, 2025. Applications must be completed and submitted with all required documents by January 31, 2025. This means that.



Sons of Norway Scholarships - $4,000
The Sons of Norway Foundation awards approximately 25 scholarships to promising students each year and promotes cultural exchange and support education to help students prepare the next generation of workers.All scholarships are open for application starting October 1. Deadlines vary so please check the information on each scholarship.Domestic ScholarshipsAstrid G....


AIAA Lockheed Martin Marillyn Hewson Scholarship - $10,000
The AIAA Lockheed Martin Marillyn Hewson Scholarship was created in 2022 to encourage young women to study aerospace engineering and pursue a career in the aerospace defense industry. The scholarship is named for Marillyn Hewson, former chairman, president, and chief executive officer of Lockheed Martin Corporation. She joined Lockheed Martin…


Mensa US Scholarship

Deadline: Jan 15, 2025


There are two requirements for applicants:Applicants must be enrolled in a degree program in an accredited U.S. institution of higher learning during the academic year following the application date.Applicants must submit an application and essay explaining his or her career, academic and/or vocational goals.Applicants have until Jan. 15 to write an essay of not more than 550 words explaining their...




Jackie Robinson Foundation Scholarships

Deadline: Jan 09, 2025


The Jackie Robinson Foundation provides a multi-faceted experience designed to not only address the financial needs of students who aspire to attend college but to guide them through the process of higher education. Our 2025 Application process has begun.Who is eligible to apply?To be eligible for a Jackie Robinson Foundation Scholarship, an applicant must:Be a graduating, minority high school seniorBe...



Thiel Fellowship

Deadline: Dec 31, 2024


Founded by technology entrepreneur and investor Peter Thiel in 2011, the Thiel Fellowship is a two-year program for young people who want to build new things. Thiel Fellows skip or stop out of college to receive a $100,000 grant and support from the Thiel Foundation's network of founders, investors, and scientists.What is the Fellowship?The Thiel Fellowship is a two-year, $100,000...



Coast Guard Exchange Scholarship Program

Deadline: Feb 28, 2025


Recognizing the value of education and the benefits it brings to the Coast Guard Family, the Coast Guard Exchange (CGX) Scholarship Program was established to provide additional financial resources to dependent children of Coast Guard personnel embarking on undergraduate college/university studies.  Annually a $2,000 scholarship is awarded to the outstanding applicants on a one-time basis. The number of scholarships granted each...




Hispanic Heritage Youth Awards

Deadline: Nov 03, 2024


The Youth Awards were founded in 1998 by the Hispanic Heritage Foundation. Now entering their 26th year, the Youth Awards honor Latinx high school seniors who excel in the classroom and community and for their excellence in various categories including: Community Service, Education, Engineering, Entrepreneurship & Business, Green Sustainability, Healthcare & Science, Media & Entertainment, Public Service & Social Justice...


Stephen J. Brady Stop Hunger Scholarships

Deadline: Nov 05, 2024


Sodexo Stop Hunger Foundation works to ensure that every child in the U.S., especially those most at risk, grows up with dependable access to enough nutritious food to enable them to lead a healthy, productive life. As part of its commitment, Sodexo Stop Hunger Foundation wants to engage and reward students who have made a significant impact against hunger and...






If any students interested in this essay contest we will have copies in the councelor’s office


DEADLINES BETWEEN: September 30th & December 31st
, 2024

1) Coca-Cola Scholars Program - $20,000 - 150 Awards (Deadline: September 30, 2024)
To be eligible for the scholarship a student must:

A) Be a current high school student who will graduate during the 2024-2025 year.
B) Be a US Citizens, US National, Permanent Resident, Refugee, Asylee, or be of Cuban-Haitian decent.
Applications can be found by going to:

2) Niche College Scholarship - $25,000 - 1 Award (Deadline: September 30, 2024)
To be eligible for the scholarship a student must:

A) Be a senior in high school or a current college student.
B) Be attending or planning to attend college or university in 2025.
Applications can be found by going to:

3) CollegeXpress Scholarship - $10,000 – 1 Award (Deadline: September 30, 2024)
To be eligible for the scholarship a student must:

A) Be 13 years of age or older and a legal resident of the United States.
B) Be currently attending high school, college, vocational, or any other accredited post-secondary institution.
Applications can be found by going to:

4) Sallie Mae Scholarship - $2,000 – 12 Awards (Deadline: September 30, 2024)
To be eligible for the scholarship a student must:

A) Be enrolled as a high school junior or senior and intend to enroll in an accredited college or university
located with the United States, within a year of graduating high school.
A) Be 17 or older at the time of submission.
Applications can be found by going to:

5) Be Bold Scholarship - $25,000 - 1 Award (Deadline: October 1, 2024)
To be eligible for the scholarship a student must:

A) Be in Grade 12 and plan on enrolling in college by the fall of 2025.
B) Have a GPA of at least 2.5.
Applications can be found by going to:

6) Women's Ministries Scholarship Program - $20,000 – 49 Awards (Deadline: October 31, 2024)
To be eligible for the scholarship a student must:

A) Be planning to attend a Seventh-day Adventist college.
B) Identify as a woman.
Applications can be found by going to:

7) National Space Club Scholarship - $20,000 - 1 Award (Deadline: November 1, 2024)
To be eligible for the scholarship a student must:

A) Be a senior in high school.
B) Have the intention of pursuing a career in the STEM fields.
Applications can be found by going to:

8) Jack Kent Cooke Foundation Scholarship - $55,000 - 40 Awards (Deadline: November 14, 2024)
To be eligible for the scholarship a student must:

A) Be a high-achieving high school senior with a GPA of 3.5 or higher.
B) Have financial need and plan to attend a four-year college.
Applications can be found by going to:

9) Students with Disabilities Scholarship - $5,000 - 1 Award (Deadline: November 15, 2024)
To be eligible for the scholarship a student must:

A) Be enrolled at an accredited college, university, or high school in the United States.
B) Have a documented disability.
Applications can be found by going to:

10) 10 Words or Less Scholarship - $1,000 - 1 Award (Deadline: November 15, 2024)
To be eligible for the scholarship a student must:

A) Be between the ages of 14-25 and be attending school in the Fall of 2025.
B) Submit a response to the essay prompt.
Applications can be found by going to:

11) Common App Scholarship - $2,000 - 2 Awards (Deadline: November 30, 2024)
To be eligible for the scholarship a student must:

A) Be in Grade 11 or Grade 12.
B) Have achieved a GPA of 2.5 or greater during their last academic year.
Applications can be found by going to:

12) American Rocketry Challenge - $20,000 – 10 Awards (Deadline: December 1, 2024)
To be eligible for the scholarship a student must:

A) Be part of a team of three to ten students in Grade 6-12.
B) Build a model rocket that carries one large hen egg to an altitude of 850 feet, stays airborne for between 42
and 45 seconds, and returns the rocket to the ground safely.
Applications can be found by going to:

13) Chuck Hall Star Of Tomorrow Scholarship - $6,000 - 1 Award (Deadline: December 1, 2024)
To be eligible for the scholarship a student must:

A) Be a current USBC Youth member in their senior year of high school or enrolled in college.
B) Have a current GPA of 3.0 or better, based on a 4.0 scale.
Applications can be found by going to:

14) Automotive Women's Association Scholarships - $2,500 - 15 Awards (Deadline: December 31, 2024)
To be eligible for the scholarship a student must:

A) Be accepted to a college or university by Fall 2025.
B) Be a women with a quest and drive for the automotive, mobility or related industries.
Applications can be found by going to:

15) Future Travel Nurse Scholarship - $1,000 - 10 Awards (Deadline: December 31, 2024)
To be eligible for the scholarship a student must:

A) Be in good academic standing with a 3.0 GPA or higher.
B) Have been accepted to a nursing program at an accredited institution in the United States.
Applications can be found by going to:


"Hannah’s Heroes: Military Kids Scholarship"

We are hoping you can help us spread the word about the "Hannah’s Heroes: Military Kids Scholarship" which provides $1,000 to one graduating senior (class of 2025) in the greater Springfield, MO area with at least one parent/legal guardian who has served (Veteran) or is currently serving in the U.S. Military. More information and the online application can be found here:

The window for this scholarship closes on October 18th. Please let me know if you have any questions. 

If any students are interested in this scholarship you may go online and fill out the paperwork or we will have copies in the counselor’s office!


On behalf of the Navy ROTC program, I would like to welcome you and your students back to school! As we begin this new academic year, I am excited to share with you an exceptional opportunity that can help your student achieve their academic career goals.

To better support your students, I would like to identify a primary point of contact or liaison for NROTC-related matters.  Would you be willing to serve in this role or recommend someone?

The NROTC scholarship offers four-year, full-tuition scholarships to eligible students pursuing degrees in fields such as:

- Engineering (e.g., mechanical, electrical, computer science)

- Nursing

- Pre-Med (leading to careers in medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, and more)

- Other STEM fields (e.g., physics, biology, chemistry)

- Language and cultural studies (e.g., Arabic, Chinese, Russian)

- International relations and global studies

To be eligible for the NROTC scholarship, students must:

- Be a U.S. citizen

- Be between the ages of 17 and 23

- Maintain a minimum GPA of 2.5 (3.0 for nursing and pre-med)

- Meer the required SAT and/ or ACT scores. The minimum SAT scores are 550 Critical Reading, 540 Math (1100 combined), and the minimum ACT scores are 21 Math, 22 English (44 combined).

- Commit to serving in the Navy for 4-6 years after graduation

To learn more about the NROTC scholarship and its requirements, I invite you and your students to join our monthly virtual presentations (Zoom: Meeting ID- 867 190 5312 Password- NROTC):

- September 2, 5-5:40 PM

- October 7, 5-5:40 PM

- November 4, 5-5:40 PM

- December 2, 5-5:40 PM

Additionally, we will host monthly Q&A sessions for all students, parents, and teachers to ask questions and learn more about the program. Students will be able to log on and off to get any questions they have answered (Zoom: Meeting ID- 867 190 5312 Password- NROTC):

- September 16, 5-5:40/6-6:40 PM

- October 21, 5:40/6-6:40 PM

- November 18, 5:40/6-6:40 PM

- December 16, 5:40/6-6:40 PM


If any students are interested in any of these scholarships we will have paper copies in the councelor’s office or you can print them off. 

Direct all questions concerning scholarships to: Mr. A.J. Noonan Education and Scholarship Committee (573) 872-9068 Completed applications should be mailed no later than April 20, 2025 to: The American Legion Department of Missouri, Inc. Attn: Education and Scholarship Committee P.O. Box 179 Jefferson City, MO 65102-0179 *ATTENTION HIGH SCHOOL COUNSELORS * Scholarship applications may be reproduced as necessary. Copies of the scholarship applications may also be obtained on the web at Some applications require that a counselor’s statement be attached

Basic Criteria for Scholarship Awards

The student must be a resident of Missouri. Applicants must be under the age of 21, unmarried
and a descendant* of a veteran with at least ninety days active service in the U. S. Army, Navy,
Air Force, Marines or Coast Guard, who received an Honorable Discharge for such service. A
photocopy of the veteran's DD 214, discharge or separation notice must accompany the
scholarship application. Any additional requirements for each scholarship are on the reverse
side of the application.

Lillie Lois Ford Scholarship - Two awards of $1,000 each are given each year. One award
is given to a boy who has attended The American Legion Boys State of Missouri or a full
session of the Department's Cadet Patrol Academy. The second award is given to a girl who has
attended The American Legion Auxiliary's Girls State program or a full session of the
Department's Cadet Patrol Academy.

M.D. "Jack" Murphy Memorial Nurses Training Scholarship - Currently one
$1,000 award is given each year, and may, by application, be extended for a second year. This
award is available to a Missouri boy or girl training to be a Registered Nurse, and may be used in
their freshman or subsequent college years. The student must have graduated in the top forty
percent of their high school class or have a "C" or equivalent standing from their last college or
university semester.

Joseph J. Frank Scholarship Five awards of $750.00 are given annually to individuals
who are descendants of a veteran. Applicant must have attended the 2023 session of The
American Legion Boys State or The American Legion Auxiliary Girls State program. Applicants
must be unmarried, under the age of 21, a current resident of the state of Missouri and must use
the scholarship as a full time student in an accredited college or university.

Charles L. Bacon Memorial Scholarship - Two awards of $750.00 are given annually in
memory of the first Missourian to serve as National Commander of The American Legion.
Eligible are individuals who are currently members of The American Legion, the American
Legion Auxiliary, or the Sons of The American Legion, or a descendant* of a member of any
thereof. Applicants must be unmarried, a resident of Missouri, under the age of 21, and must use
the scholarship as a full-time student in an accredited college or university and.

Erman W. Taylor Memorial Scholarship - Two $750.00 awards are given annually to a
student planning on obtaining a degree in education, in honor of this Past National Executive

Committeeman from Missouri. To be eligible, individuals must: (1) be a descendant (2) be a
Missouri resident; (3) use the award as a full-time student at an accredited college or university;
(4) provide a copy of the discharge certificate for the veteran on whose service the application is
made; and (5) submit an essay of 500 words or less on the
subject In your opinion, what was the most significant world event of this past year?

Shane Dean Voyles Memorial Scholarship - One $750.00 award will be awarded,
annually. (1) Each school in the State of Missouri may nominate one student to be considered for
the award. (2) The nominee will be selected on athletic, scholastic and leadership abilities. The
nominee should be deeply involved in community and school activities. (4) Must use the award
as a full-time student at an accredited college or university.

Missouri Detachment, Sons of the American Legion Scholarship – One award of
$500 is given annually to a student who is a member of the Sons of the American Legion or of
the Junior Auxiliary of the American Legion. The student must complete an essay on the topic
“What being a member of the American Legion Family means to me.”
Direct all questions concerning scholarships to:

Commander’s Scholarship – Two $1000.00 Scholarships will be awarded annually to eligible veterans who are
currently or planning to attend a vocational technical college, college or university in
the state of Missouri. The Education and Scholarship Committee of The American
Legion, Department of Missouri will determine the recipients of the scholarship.
Basis for eligibility:
1. Applicant must have served in the U.S. Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force,
Space Force, or Coast Guard for a minimum of 90 days and received an
Honorable Discharge. Photocopy of DD-214, Discharge or Separation
papers must be included with application.
2. Applicant must be enrolled or accepted, as a full time student, in an accredited
vocational technical college, college or university in the state of Missouri. A
letter verifying enrollment or acceptance from the institution must be
attached to application.
3. Applicant must be a resident of the state of Missouri.
4. The scholarship must be used the following semester after it is awarded.

Elk’s Drug Awareness Video Contest

If any students interested in this contest we will have the paper copies in the councelors’s office.

Springfield Elks Lodge #409, in conjunction with the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, is introducing a contest for Pre-High School and High School students through the Elks Drug Awareness Program. 
This year’s Theme: “One Pill Can Kill”







District Calendar

Today's Events

Contact Information

High School
300 N Missouri Boulevard
Rogersville, Missouri 65742

Mon-Fri: 7:00am-3:00pm

Phone: 417-753-2813
Fax: 417-753-3960