Posted Date: 09/16/2022
LRHS has a mission to prepare all students for college, career, and life. One of our biggest events is the LRHS Career Day. Our goal is to expose students to as many career pathways as possible and contact them with individuals passionate about their fields. Since 2014, the faculty and staff have worked collaboratively to create a full-day experience designed to help students find their direction. The image of a compass became our logo to remind us of the importance of helping students find their direction and navigate their future.
As we prepare for the 2022 Career Day, we have been reflecting on our past events [ 2014, 2016, 2018, 2020*]. In going through some photos, we recognize we have some great examples of the impact such an event can have on preparing students for the transition after high school.
Kallie (Shriver) Galloway, an LR graduate, is pictured to the right. She was selected to be a Wildcat Nation Ambassador during her senior year. In this leadership role, she welcomed our guests into the building for the 2016 Career Day. Now, Kallie is in her second year of teaching in high school. She graduated high school with a plan for the future and is excelling in the education profession.
Our most documented Career Day success story also occurred in November 2016. Cole Vandersnick selected a session to learn about aviation from two pilots.
The photo to the left was captured in 2016 from that session and Cole can be found sitting in the front row on the right. Cole graduated in 2017 with a plan for the future. He went to college to pursue aviation as a career. Vandersnick became an instructor of the OTC aviation program. Currently, Cole is working for OzAir Jet Charters. If you go to OZAIRCHARTERS.COM to meet the crew, you will find Cole Vandersnick and how he found his direction. He credited our Career Day as the event that led him into his profession. Below is a clip from the OZAIR website.
On November 18, 2022, we hope to inspire more students to find their career pathways. Our goal this year is to highlight LR graduates from the last 15 years and showcase the direction they have found. These professionals walked our hallways as students, sat in the same classes, and may have had similar teachers. We hope this connection to LR will resonate with our current students.
If you know of an LR graduate that would be an excellent Career Day presenter, please help us recruit.
We want to make sure all career pathways are represented so all professionals are welcome to partner with us for this event.
Presenters are encouraged to sign up on our website: